Tuesday, 22 September 2009

The Plot...

The first idea's to our 2 minute opening ..

  1. Start with the Institution Image.
  2. Have an old looking wedding video with no sound with a phone call playing over the top telling a women (the women in the wedding video) being told their has been an acciden involving her husband. (also at this point there will be actors names)
  3. Line goes dead and screen goes black showing name of the film (which is still undecided)
  4. There will then be the same women asleep in bed looking ditressed.
  5. Zooms into womens face to show "dreams"
  6. Flashing images of people running from a building (from the accident) also flashing images of the husband and wife arguing, and possitive pregnancy test.
  7. Women shoots up and a wipe will come up saying "earlier that day"

We think that will cover the 2 minutes, but we need to make a story board to cover all the shots we will need.

1 comment:

IT6AD said...

It'd be good if you could give an update on how your plot has developed and how the changes have impacted upon your work.